Amazing Innovation

Technical Tools



Tools & Frameworks


 A whole bunch of nuances which actually make up an AI system. Algorithm development is a lengthy process that need lot of thought behind the architecture. Data scientists handle the major architectural decisions leaving other optimization tasks to right choice of tools. To make things easier and productive, we assist you with right choice of tools and framwork for the usecase at hand.

Our Data Scientists are well versed with relevant ML frameworks and technical tools [ e.g Scikit Learn | TensorFlow | Theano | Caffe | MxNet | Keras | PyTorch | CNTK | Auto ML | OpenNN | H20 | Google ML Kit ] to take you through your your AI Journey.


AI systems must be technically robust to scale and must have access to resources to deploy these complex AI and machine learning solutions. They can vary from cloud to on-premise to edge and of varying latency, compute power requirements depending on the usecase.

Our experience in deploying models at varying scale and complexity makes it easier for you to avoid the pitfalls and saves you from wasted energy, time and resources! We help you deploy on AWS , Microsoft Azure , GCP , nVidia SDK for edge AI or as custom container servises