Amazing Innovation

AI Pick route optimization

Add-on modules to ERP / WMS


Pick route optimization using AI algorithms reduce travel by 30-70% in Distribution centers

Picking accounts for half of all labor cost in DCs. We developed “Kairos Logic”, a suit of dynamic warehouse work optimization algorithms that uses advanced mathematical models and artificial intelligence (AI) to reduce travel in an order pick route by 30-70%. With our “ AI pick route optimization ”, customers more than doubled picking productivity and cut labor cost in half without making any changes to their warehouse layout or adding expensive automation or robotics.

Example of an AI optimized pick route

Example of an AI optimized pick route


Dynamic work optimization using AI technology to minimize distance in pick routes saved hundreds of kilometers driving forklift in one of our customer DC. And a lot of frustration for the pickers.

Example of AI Pick batch optimization

Example of AI Pick batch optimization


When a batching of pick orders is requested “Kairos Logic” applies multiple algorithms to all available orders in the system to create distance optimized batches. Compared to traditional WMS Batching , AI optimized batch reduces travel time dramatically upto 70%.


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